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Breastfeeding Clothes - See What You Need

Breastfeeding clothes is a new category in every mom’s closet. But is there one and only proper breastfeeding uniform? Of course not! There are plenty of options. The best part is - you don’t really have to choose, you can mix them at will!

Nursing bras

I know - some may say that nursing bra is a must! I would advise buying a few myself. Nursing bras are specially designed for conveniences and your comfort. It is gloriously easy to use, and - if you’re not a big fan of nursing in public - you are never worried about showing too much.

Although there are women perfectly satisfied with using regular soft big-sized bras; anyway - you’re going to need a few pieces in new individual size.

Tank tops

Those are the revolution in breastfeeding clothes - it’s like a regular tank top but with some kind of unbuttoning, additional layer or zipper on the breast. Divers models let you keep your personal style and breastfeed comfortably.

Special clothes

Breastfeeding clothes are becoming more and more popular, and there are countless bands of clothes dedicated to breastfeeding moms. If you like dresses or jeans, or you’re the sporty type - just check the closest themed store. You can also visit a regular shopping center - most of the big brands have maternity sections!

Normal clothes

Before going shopping for breastfeeding clothes - check your own wardrobe! I bet plenty of your regular or pregnancy clothes will fit and excellently fulfill the task.

Fist look for wrap-dresses and deep V-neck dresses - those will be best! Find also button-up shirts; it is a pretty convenient solution too.

When planning your breastfeeding clothes in advance, you should check my ‚How to make breastfeeding pleasant and easy’ guide. There is a section where you can see breastfeeding positions (illustrated) in the book; this may help you understand your needs.

Susan Urban