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Pumpkin Baby Photo DIY

Have you seen all those cute pumpkin baby photoshoots and you want one too? That’s going to be easy, just read a few tips and go nuts! Those photos always bring a delight! It will be a great memory in your family album. Grab some pumpkin baby photo session tips first.

Pumpkin itself

The first rule - pink the right size pumpkin! Not too big, not too small - just right for your baby size.

Depending on the pumpkin size and your idea - you definitely need to cut out the top and may also cut the little holes for the legs. You need to make sure the holes are big enough to fit in the baby. Try to judge it without putting the baby inside yet!

Also, it is best to hollow out the pumpkin out the day before, clean it thoroughly and leave it inside the house - it will be dried out through the night.

The photoshoot


Right before the photoshoot place a towel inside and up the back of the pumpkin! Aside from not being very comfy, it is also wet and slippery, and it may be tricky to get your baby in the right position. He would be a little more stable sitting on something, and it will probably be much more comfortable for the kid to sit on.

Although always remember - if your baby is not accepting the idea at all - you should just stop trying.

Golden Hour

Are you shooting inside or outside? Especially if you’re having a garden shoot - wait for the golden hour. The dimming light is perfect for an October photo session! In fact - for every session at all.


Wherever you’re shooting - you’re going to need some extra Halloween accessories. Few more pumpkins or any other Halloween-themed accessories would be fine: artificial bats or trick-or-treat box.

What to do with the pumpkin?

When your pumpkin baby photoshoot is prepared - you have a big amount of pumpkin to cook! If your baby is at least 6-9 months, it’s a perfect time to introduce the pumpkin to child’s diet. You can cook it separately or mix with other, yet allowed veggies or meat.

If you need some more tips - check ‘How to introduce solid food to your baby’ guide. It’s a complete guide for extending baby’s diet - the product’s order, amounts and all the theory you need!

Susan Urban