How to trim your baby's nails

Do you often look at those tiny nails on your baby’s fingers and toes and wonder how to trim them? Does the thought of trimming those tiny nails send you in panic mode? Are you afraid that while trimming your baby’s finger or toenails, you may end up hurting him?

While all the above fears are real, it is also important to trim your baby’s nails regularly to avoid any dirt buildup and reduce the chances of an infection. Read this post here and learn how to trim baby nails properly and how you ensure that you don’t hurt your little one.


Should I trim my baby's nails?


Yes. Your baby's nails may be softer and more pliable than yours, but make no mistake—they're sharp! A newborn has little control over his flailing limbs and can easily end up scratching his own face or yours.

Little fingernails grow so fast you may have to cut them several times a week. Toenails require less frequent trimming.


How do I trim my baby's nails without cutting his fingertips?


The best time to do this is while she's sleeping. Another good time is right after a bath, when your baby's nails are softest.

Make sure you have enough light to see what you're doing. Use a pair of baby scissors or clippers made especially to use on tiny fingers. Press the finger pad away from the nail to avoid nicking the skin, and keep a firm hold on your baby's hand as you clip.

Cut fingernails along the curve of the finger. Cut toenails straight across. Then use an emery board to smooth out rough edges.

Doctors recommend using only an emery board in the first few weeks of a new baby's life because nails are very soft. And new parents are also more likely to accidentally clip their baby's skin.

If you decide to give your baby a manicure while she's awake, ask your partner or a friend to hold her and keep her from wiggling too much while you work. Or have someone distract her so she'll let you hold her hand still for the clipping and filing.

Some parents bite their baby's nails into shape, but doing it this way could introduce germs from your mouth into any little cut your baby may have on her finger. You also won't be able to see what you're doing, and you'll find that your baby's finger is tiny compared to your teeth!


If I do cut a fingertip, how do I stop the bleeding?


If you do nick a tiny fingertip, don't be too hard on yourself—it happens to lots of parents. Simply rinse the cut under cool water, then wrap a tissue around your baby's finger and hold it with a little pressure. The bleeding usually stops in a couple of minutes.

Resist the temptation to try to put a bandage on your baby's finger. It's likely to come off when he puts his finger in his mouth, and he could end up choking on it.

Also, doctors don't recommend using a liquid bandage product for babies or toddlers because they'll probably suck it off. If your child has a wound that doesn't stop bleeding, it's a good idea to see your child's doctor.



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