Baby Cribs - 10 Tips

Baby cribs can be beautiful, but the first thing you want it to be is safe. The second thing is being practical. I know you are picturing baby's room all cute, dreamy and like from a tale! But let's focus on facts for a minute.

Safety requirements

Make sure that company you're choosing is following up-to-date requirements. If you're considering the antique design or buying used furniture, be aware that safety standards changed in 2011.


Bars should be spaced no more than 2 3/8 inches apart (yes, there is a rule for that!). The other thing is drop rails that you may remember from your childhood. Those are not recommended anymore.


Pick the very firm mattress that does not sag under your baby's weight. It should fit snugly, with no space between it and the crib walls - not even for a finger.


More numbers - the top of the crib rail should be at least 26 inches from the top of the mattress (not the bottom!). As your child gets taller, you may lower the bed.

Bumper pads

There is no evidence that bumper pads can prevent injuries. In fact, older babies can try to use them for climbing out of the crib!


Rule no 1 - no toys! Also no pillows, comforters, blankets...


Place the crib in a stable condition. Probably away from windows, that can cause obstacles… Not only direct sunlight, temperature change, but also strings from blinds or curtains can be dangerous.


When your child is about 3 feet tall, he can start sleeping in a regular bed. You can choose from many designs, but again - think about safety!

Convertible options

Some cribs can later transform into a toddler and even full-size beds. Think about it when planning the baby's space.

Remember, you don't need the priciest crib. Safety is the most important thing. Safety and… sleep! Even the best crib won't guarantee a baby's sleep! If you want to be well-prepared, read my How to teach a baby to fall asleep alone guide. It's a short book with tips on getting baby to sleep. I promise it is worth it!

Susan Urban